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Lake Barrea in the Abruzzo National Park. Trekking and what to visit

Lake Barrea is an artificial lake which is located in the province of L’Aquila, more precisely within the Abruzzo National Park. Inside the latter it is possible to admire the most beautiful species of flora and fauna, to take naturalistic excursions and quiet walks on foot or on horseback, guided tours and so on. We know, in this article, Lake Barrea and the wonderful places to visit in this area.

Lake Barrea in the Abruzzo National Park: trekking

If we mention the National Park of Abruzzo, the word nature comes to mind and, inevitably, the word trekking. It is well known that, due to the position in which the park rises, trekking is one of the favorite activities of tourists and enthusiasts who go to the place.
A place very close to the Lake of Barrea, very famous in this sense, is the Val Fondillo or a deep valley from which various paths to go originate. By practicing these paths you will be able to enjoy amazing panoramas, you will be able to admire the most beautiful plant species and see particular wild animals. In a good twenty minutes it is possible to reach a magical place of tourist attraction, namely the Fairy Cave, while after three and a half hours of walking you can complete the so-called Bear’s Path.

Starting from the area reserved for campers on Lake Barrea, it is possible to reach the Camosciara path, passing through the town of Civitella Alfedena. Afterwards it is necessary to climb over the suggestive plateau, to then take a path that will lead to its destination. The route is characterized by 420 meters of elevation gain, for a duration of four hours both on the outward journey and on the return journey. It will not be unlikely to spot suggestive waterfalls during this difficult journey, such as the waterfalls of the Nymphs and the Tre Cannelle waterfall and some chamois specimens: it is no coincidence that Camosciara is called this way!

Lago di Barrea in the Abruzzo National Park: cycle and pedestrian paths and amazing panoramic views

Around Lake Barrea, within the Abruzzo National Park, there are places accessible only to pedestrians and cyclists for whom special routes are reserved. There are two cycle and pedestrian paths: one starts from Lake Barrea, continues towards Civitella Alfedena, up to the lower part of Barrea. The second cycle / pedestrian path starts from the Barrea dam, and then reaches La Gravara. In both cases you can skirt the stretch of water of the lake with the opportunity to admire the surrounding landscape, regenerate yourself with a picnic or take some sun in the beach of La Gravara.
Do not miss the Barrea belvedere, located near the main road: you can enjoy the immense spectacle of the bodies of water of Lake Barrea!

Lago di Barrea in the Abruzzo National Park: The historic center of Barrea

The Abruzzo National Park is an important tourist attraction as it contains sport, relaxation, nature and even culture in its tourist offer. It is no coincidence that the city center of Barrea is very frequented by tourists, especially during Easter, since there is a living representation of the Passion which is very characteristic.
The ancient village of Barrea was built in the Alto Sangro area, which was once known as the Valley of the Kings. Some of the many tourist attractions in Barrea are the ancient Samnite necropolises, which preserve several very ancient burials.
The historic center of Barrea is worthy of receiving a visit because, following the earthquake of 1984, it was rebuilt and entirely restored to its former glory. The city center of Barrea presents a further place of tourist interest: we refer to the Medieval Castle, with an adjoining ancient Tower. We advise everyone to enter the castle especially to enjoy, from the top, the spectacular panoramic view it offers. Inside it, moreover, interesting cultural meetings are often organized which are worth witnessing if you are in the area for a holiday.

Lago di Barrea in the Abruzzo National Park and surroundings: Villetta Barrea

Another very interesting village to visit is represented by Villetta Barrea, which is located at the foot of Monte Mattone. The ancient village dates back to the Italic era: this is demonstrated by the ancient walls that can be visited at the Fonte della Regina which is located on the outskirts, outside the town. The origin of the city center, as it appears today in our eyes, is due to the period of the fourteenth century. And it is precisely this period that dates back to the ancient Torre del Castello, located in the historic center of the town.

In Villetta Barrea, in addition to sport, trekking and excursions, architecture and art are the masters. Not to be missed, within the town, the elegant noble palaces dating back to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. They are well looked at because of the accurate decorations, the coats of arms representing the most important families of the period, the majestic portals and their architecture in general.
If you were at Villetta Barrea for a holiday you cannot miss a visit to the Palazzo del Municipio and the Church of San Rocco, both dating back to the eighteenth century. Inside the Church of San Rocco, in particular, it will be possible to admire a painting of great value: The Purgative Souls of Filippo Canciano.

The cemetery is a great place of tourist interest because of its chapels and the little churches that characterize it.
The chapel of the small church of San Michele, which years ago was part of the Benedictine monastery dating back to the eighteenth century, is a prime example. But the detail of the chapel that mostly attracts tourists and the curious are the frescoes representing scenes of the Annunciation painted inside.

Lago di Barrea in the Abruzzo National Park and surroundings: Civitella Alfedena

Civitella Alfedena is a charming town that has only three hundred inhabitants and whose economy is based, purely, on tourism. This corner of paradise finds its most ancient origins in Roman times, although traces of probable settlements dating back to earlier periods were destroyed during the period of barbarian invasions.

If you go to Civitella Alfedena it is impossible not to think about taking part in the many organized naturalistic excursions: in particular you cannot miss the excursions to the Val di Rose. This route, really suitable for everyone, allows you to reach the Forca Resuni Refuge where it is very likely to see animals such as eagles and chamois.

If your passion is animals, and you are near the town, you cannot miss a visit to the Wildlife Center of the Wolf where you can spot all the animals of the Abruzzo National Park. Moreover, Piazzale di Santa Lucia is very popular as it offers a breathtaking panoramic view.

Moreover, in the mountain villages it is very easy to see deer, fawns and mountain animals: this is the case of Civitella Alfedena!

It is not unlikely to see strolling through the streets of the deer center, but also very small fawns: a spectacle of nature that cannot be renounced!

Also from Civitella Alfedena it is possible to take long walks and excursions, and reach important places of attraction such as Lake Barrea. The town is literally assaulted during the Christmas season: Very impressive indeed is the Papier-mâché Nativity with life-size characters, dialogues recorded speaking the typical local dialect to make it really realistic and suggestive.

After this succession of beauties and tourist attractions, you can’t help but think about organizing a trip to Abruzzo … legs on your shoulder!

Website of the Abruzzo National Park

Per il Rifugio di Forca Resuni
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