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What to visit in one day in Sorrento

Marina Grande di sera

Traveling is a common passion for all, whether it is for a day or several weeks, everyone loves to visit new places and discover the traditions of the place, in any season of the year. The best thing when you have a busy life is to unplug even for just one day, to regenerate and return to everyday life with an extra gear.
If you don’t want to travel too much, it is better to choose an Italian stop that is convenient to reach by train or bus, but also by car if you have the possibility.

In this guide we will try to understand what to visit in one day in Sorrento , perhaps stopping in some typical restaurant to taste the culinary traditions, then passing by the most important tourist attractions and finally, the most loved panoramic places by travelers, such as yours. famous villages.

Where is Sorrento and how to get there

The splendid city of Sorrento is located in Campania, just south of Naples and precisely on the south of the Gulf of Naples in the peninsula of the same name, the Sorrentine Peninsula. It is considered the western access to the Amalfi Coast, in fact there are many tourists coming from Naples to the seaside villages of Amalfi and Positano just passing through Sorrento.

Getting to Sorrento is quite simple , both with your own means and with public ones. By car, if you are coming from the north, just get off the E45 / A1 motorway and exit at Castellammare di Stabia. Here you will find the signs for Sorrento, which can be reached in just under three quarters of an hour proceeding on the SS145.

By public transport it is just as simple:  if you come from Naples  or from one of the villages along the Gulf of Naples,  just take the Circumvesuviana  which has Sorrento as its terminus. The Circumvesuviana from Naples takes from one hour to an hour and twenty depending on the stops it makes and runs are available every half hour approximately.

If you come from Salerno , however, you must use the buses, for example those of the SITA which pass through the entire Amalfi Coast, because the railway does not reach these villages.

Sorrento: what to see in one day

Sorrento is very small, so it gives tourists the opportunity to be visited in a whole day, without neglecting the most attractive and characteristic points of interest of the place.
The historic center can be viewed in about half a day and then you can spend the afternoon in the Amalfi Coast area, where you can take beautiful photographs, or opt for one of the splendid nearby seaside villages, such as Marina Grande, or opt for some excursion to on foot, by boat or canoe.

We begin our tour to Sorrento.

Angelina Lauro square

As soon as you arrive in Sorrento from the circumvesuviana, the first square you meet is Piazza Angelina Lauro . It has no tourist attractions but it is an important reference point. Its appearance has been  recently renovated  and to welcome us there is a large tub with a garden behind it full of exotic and local plants. On the two long sides of the square there are arcades under which the numerous shops and bars alternate which are mainly used by the Sorrentines. 

If you start the tour here in the early morning, you can stop for breakfast in one of the bars along the arcades.

To the left of Piazza Angelina Lauro is the road that leads to the historic center of Sorrento, while to the right is the beautiful park of the citrus tree, which we will visit before leaving the city.

Torquato Tasso Square

Proceeding in the direction of the historic center we arrive in Piazza Torquato Tasso, here the heart of Sorrento begins. This square is relatively recent, it  was born only in the nineteenth century  when the castle that previously occupied one side of this space, known until then as Largo del Castello, was demolished.

Where today it is possible to see the statue of Sant’Antonino was in fact the fifteenth-century castle of Ferdinando d’Aragona . The statue was first positioned on the eastern gateway to the city, known as  Porta del Piano  and when this was also demolished, the statue was moved to its current position, next to the Rispoli hotel. Since 1870 the statue of Sant’Antonino enjoys the company of the  statue of Torquato Tasso, to whom the square is entitled. Tasso is probably  the most illustrious citizen of Sorrento : the poet was born here in 1544 and his fame developed nationally.

Most of the current buildings on Piazza Torquato Tasso have a nineteenth-century style, because they were rearranged and the facades redone in that period, at the same time as the creation of the square in the middle of that century.

Sanctuary of the Madonna del Carmine

On Piazza Torquato Tasso there is also the façade of the Church of the Carmine, with an ancient history. The first church of the Carmine was in fact built here in the third century , while the one visible today is the result of a reconstruction of the sixteenth century. The first building replaced a pagan temple and it was decided to erect it right here because in this exact point 13 Christians were executed following the laws imposed by the Roman emperor Diocletian who did not leave freedom of worship.

The current Baroque-style appearance of the Carmine church is however due to the sixteenth-century reconstruction and the frequent interventions that followed one another in the following centuries, including that of 1921 and that of 1960.

Deep Valley of the Mills

Before proceeding straight on Corso Italia, towards the heart of the historic center of Sorrento, take the street to the left of Piazza Torquato Tasso and reach  the Vallone dei Mulini . This is a deep valley that runs along the entire historic center and which owes its name to the  presence of an ancient mill .

During the Roman age Sorrento was crossed by three large valleys connected to each other and the Vallone dei Mulini was the main one . This deep valley was created about 35,000 years ago, due to an eruption that occurred in the Campi Flegrei that covered the entire area with debris and in which the spring waters of two streams began to flow, progressively digging a long gorge to the sea. . During the sixteenth century the ownership of this land passed from the Tasso family to that of the Correale who had a port built right at the mouth of the valley, at the current Marina Piccola. Soon they thought of adding a mill to the bottom of the valley that would allow them to exploit the water of the streams to move the large millstones to work the grain. The mill was then flanked by a sawmill and a public wash house, while the sides of the valley were used as a quarry for the extraction of tuff. Even today, crossing the bridge that surmounts the Vallone dei Mulini, it is possible to see the remains of these structures. 

When in 1866 it was decided to build piazza Torquato Tasso it was necessary to close a part of the valley and so a part of the gorge was filled , also obtaining the space for the construction of some rooms. 

Corso Italia – the street of the center of Sorrento

Back in piazza Torquato Tasso  we take Corso Italia, the main street of the historic center of Sorrento . For some years the municipality has taken the winning choice of transforming the street into a  pedestrian area in periods when tourism is greater  and so it has become a truly unmissable stop.

Corso Italia is today the main street of the city’s social life and along its path you will find the most beautiful attractions and the best shops, which have transformed the street into the street of the Sorrento struscio.

On the sides of Corso Italia there are numerous secondary streets that are equally unmissable and worth visiting.

Correale Palace

Among these streets we take one on the left that leads to  Palazzo Correale, dating back to the fourteenth century and belonging to the Correale family , one of the most influential in the city.

Its  tuff facade  on Via Santa Maria della Pietà is marked by the opening of regular pointed arch mullioned windows and by  a style influenced by Catalan fashion . The entrance portal is instead the classic Neapolitan portal with a depressed arch that was used from the end of the fourteenth century to the whole of the fifteenth century.

Over the centuries, various functions alternated in the spaces of Palazzo Correale, such as that of a hospice for orphaned girls. Next to it there is also a beautiful Baroque style church.

Dominova seat

Among the most famous monuments in all of Sorrento there is undoubtedly the next one we are going to visit:  the Sedile Dominova . 
The Seat is a type of building widespread above all in southern Italy, which was used for the meetings of the noble council that administered the city.

The Dominova Seat represents today  the last Seat still accessible in all of Campania . This was built between the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries and for five hundred years it housed a part of the city’s aristocracy. The remainder was instead gathered in the  Sedile di Porta , which has practically disappeared today. 

Even today the Dominova Seat looks like a prestigious seat, thanks to frequent renovations which have however kept the initial structure unchanged. On one side of the building you can still see the marble balustrade and in the upper part  two coats of arms in tuff dating back to the fourteenth century . The numerous frescoes that can be seen through the wrought iron bars and that decorate the walls and the internal dome, are instead of eighteenth-century origin. Their bright colors contrast well with the gray of the Sorrento tuff stone and with the colors of the riggiole, that is the yellow and green tiles that decorate the dome externally.

The Mutual Aid Society was housed inside the Sedile Dominova for a long time , as recalled by a plaque. This institution is a kind of ancestor of social insurance for the people.

The bell tower of the Sorrento Cathedral

Turning again in the direction of Corso Italia we cannot fail to notice the tower that stands out in front of us. This is the  Campanile of the Cathedral of Sorrento , even if it is not exactly adjacent to its main structure, but rather it is about 50 meters away. The reason is quickly explained: this tower was rebuilt between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and at that time it did not only perform a religious function, but also played a representative role for civil, political and administrative aspects.

Taking a look at the bell tower of the cathedral of Sorrento one cannot fail to notice its particular style, the result of the use of different materials from various eras and reassembled here. To complete the facade of this bell tower there is also the clock decorated with ceramic tiles. Each of the four vertical sections with a square base is richly decorated with arches, niches and cornices and the entire structure rests on a Roman-era base built in the 11th century.

Sorrento Cathedral – the Cathedral of Saints Philip and James

Finally we also arrive at the  Cathedral of Sorrento, the Cathedral of Saints Philip and James  which in its external simplicity hides richly decorated interiors.

The cathedral of Sorrento is located in this position, within the old city walls, since the tenth century. The current appearance, however, can be traced back to a total reconstruction that took place in 1573. During the following centuries, further works were carried out, such as those of the eighteenth century which gave it the baroque style that distinguishes it, especially in the interiors. The façade was finally completely rebuilt in 1924 in a neo-Gothic style , to solve a violent whirlwind that damaged the entire structure.

Previously in this position there was already a Greek temple that was destroyed to make room for the cathedral of Saints Philip and James. The clear facade that can be admired today is divided in two by an entablature. On the ground floor there is the entrance through three portals, the largest of which dates back to the sixteenth century and is characterized by two pink marble columns that were recovered from pagan temples. On the columns rests a small ogival arch that extends towards the square in front. Each of the three entrance portals is surmounted by a lunette decorated with a small fresco .
The upper part of the facade is decorated with three blind rose windows, in which the central one exactly surmounts the entrance arch. The entire upper edge is finally finished with a battlements made up of very small arches. To the right of the façade there is finally a second small bell tower with an exposed bell.

Internally, the cathedral of Sorrento has a Latin cross plan in which the three naves are divided by fourteen pillars that join the  flat ceiling decorated with Baroque paintings depicting some Sorrento martyrs . The presbytery area is also enriched by a ceiling with eighteenth-century paintings depicting the Assumption, San Filippo and San Giacomo. The same saints are then taken up in the seventeenth-century altarpiece that flanks the wooden choir of the last century. Above the altar there is instead the dome of the cathedral of Saints Philip and James, frescoed in 1902. In front of the altar, there is a remarkable  16th century pulpit. consisting of four circular marble columns that close with Doric capitals and decorated with a bas-relief that describes the baptism of Jesus. On the opposite side there is  an episcopal chair built by reusing marble from the Roman and sixteenth century .

On the right side of the church there is also one of the chapels of the church, containing bas-reliefs portraying the Apostles and God and here is also the baptismal font where Torquato Tasso was also baptized. For those interested in sacred art, a thorough visit to the cathedral of Sorrento and its various chapels will certainly be extremely interesting.

Episcopal Palace

Coming out again from the Cathedral of Sorrento we find ourselves in the small square overlooked by the beautiful episcopal palace which has also incorporated the large detached bell tower. This building is connected to that of the cathedral through the archiepiscopal seminary.

From which year the episcopal palace was open to tourists who wish to visit it and who can thus see the richly decorated apartments full of works of art preserved inside. These spaces served as a bishop’s residence until 2000. 

The current episcopal palace is the result of a construction of the sixteenth century, built between the then major cardo and the first minor decuman within the city walls. Even before this rebuilding, the building stood in the same position, but after being sacked by the Turks in 1558 it was decided to completely rebuild it. In the nineteenth century it was then enlarged and restored, dividing the large hall in two which contained the frescoes of all the bishop’s coats of arms. In the fifties of the last century a new restructuring was finally carried out which led to the current subdivision of the spaces.
Together with the other buildings of the curia, it also formed a second protection of the interior spaces: the buildings are in fact arranged in a horseshoe and closed by a high gate. Even today, however, it can also be accessed from under the bell tower of the cathedral, as well as from the square formed between the seminary, the episcopal palace and the facade of the cathedral.

Visiting the museum of the episcopal palace you will notice the long loggia overlooking the cathedral and passing through the various internal halls. The main one is the reception hall, as well as the antechamber of the Palatine chapel and the hall of frescoes.

Villa Fiorentino and its Park

On Corso Italia there is also the large  Villa Fiorentino , a palace built in the thirties of the last century by the Fiorentino Cuomo couple. Even if the primary purpose was housing, the two often received wealthy clients inside the villa who turned to them for the specialization in embroidered handkerchiefs that made them known all over the world. 

The villa is squeezed between Corso Italia and the ancient city walls, which still today enclose a part of the park and house the ancient farmhouse built close to it. The new Villa Fiorentino, on the other hand, is located in the middle of  a rich floral garden overlooking  Corso Italia and  the citrus grove built behind it . Today inside this beautiful American-inspired villa is the Sorrento Foundation, an institution that promotes events within the city and exhibitions set up right here.

Square Andrea Veniero

Back on Corso Italia we continue straight ahead and pass through Square Andrea Veniero . This is another of the main squares of Sorrento and although it has no particular noteworthy elements, nor ancient buildings that overlook it, it enjoys great popularity for its central location.

Church of the Santissima Annunziata

Thus we begin to move away from the historic center and head towards one of the other great attractions of Sorrento, namely Marina Grande . To do this, however, we pass through vico Terzo Fuoro , the alley on which we find the facade of the  Church of the Santissima Annunziata . It is a low and imposing church, where the gray Sorrentine tuff shows off its porosity and plays with the warm colors of the light plaster. 

Entering the long and single nave showcases the decidedly Baroque style that distinguishes it. The walls are full of marble and stucco elements that reach up to the ceiling and are marked by pairs of pilasters with richly decorated capitals. What is most surprising, however, is the ceiling made up of a single large painting on canvas that contains the eighteenth-century painting depicting the Madonna Assisa in glory with the Child who hands the Sacred Belt to Sant’Agostino and other Augustinian Saints (by Filippo Andreoli).

The presbytery, characterized by dark colors, is accompanied by six other small altars placed along the nave. Above the main altar stands the wooden statue of the Madonna della Consolazione, created in the eighteenth century. On the right side of the presbytery there is instead a fresco in the center of which is a fourteenth-century crucifix, brought here at a later time.

Via Above the Walls

From here we take  via Sopra le Mura, one of the oldest streets in Sorrento which has come down to us almost unchanged. This road followed the path of the walkway placed on the city walls. This road descends to Porta di Marina Grande , where a short section of the ancient Greek walls has been unearthed, about three meters high by three meters wide.

The walls served the city throughout the Middle Ages, repelling enemies and surviving some sieges. In 1551 three Aragonese and Angevins were restructured due to the devastating struggles, but they were not ready in time to avert the Turkish invasion of 1558. These walls were completed in 1561 and mostly followed the layout of the Greek-Roman walls, enclosing the entire historical center and opening only in some city gates. Below Via Sopra le Mura there is a still visible stretch of about one hundred meters of this wall and two small bastions, directly overlooking the western valley and Marina Grande.

Marina Grande

Through via Sopra le Mura and passing through the ancient Roman gate, we arrive at  a splendid view of Marina Grande, the district of Sorrento whose charm of a small fishing village has remained practically intact. The port of the Marina Grande was the only access by sea to the city until the fifteenth century and it seems that in 1558 the Turks entered from here, opened by a slave of the Correale family, and managed to sack the city.
Even today many of the families who live in Marina Grande have fishing as their primary source of livelihood, although in recent years they have also opened up to tourism that learns about this corner of the city. 

Marina Grande is a strip of coast on which buildings are built a short distance from the sea  and where there are small piers that lead up to the boats moored here. From Marina Grande you can see several attractions not only of Sorrento, but of the whole Gulf of Naples. On clear days, beyond the tuff ridge typical of the Sorrento peninsula, you can also see Vesuvius. 

The magical atmosphere that surrounds this small village, which can be visited in a few minutes’ walk, has attracted the interest of cinema here: among the various films, the most famous one is undoubtedly  Pane, Amore, and …  in which Sofia Loren starred , Vittorio de Sica and Dino Risi. Next to the church of Sant’Anna is the house from which Sophia Loren appeared in the film.

Tourists who come to Marina Grande di Sorrento can enjoy one of the restaurants overlooking the sea or the best beaches in Sorrento where they can stop for a refreshing swim during the summer.

Church of Sant’Anna

In Marina Grande there is a single church, also directly overlooking the sea. This is the  church of Sant’Anna , which was built in the seventeenth century on the will of the fishermen of the village who financed the project. Initially dedicated to the souls in purgatory it was then titled to Sant’Anna.

The current appearance of the church is due to some nineteenth-century works that gave it a neoclassical style, as is clearly evident from the narrow and high facade behind which the bell tower rises. The front is decorated with six pilasters which divide three single-lancet windows: a central rectangular one and two lateral ones. On the ground floor a small portico supported by two columns encloses the door.

Internally, the church of Sant’Anna has a single nave closed by a barrel vault and the saint is celebrated with a statue inside a niche above the altar. On the sides of the nave there are two other niches with as many statues depicting St. John the Baptist and Christ.

Victory Square

Leaving Marina Grande, we return to the historic center of Sorrento and  reach Piazza della Vittoria, a large open space in which the central part is dominated by a beautiful garden and the monument to the fallen of the First World War erected in 1926, which can be accessed via of a staircase. 

In ancient times on Piazza della Vittoria there was a temple dedicated to the goddess Venus, of which no trace remains. On the other hand, you can be entranced by approaching the balustrade overlooking the Gulf of Naples and from which you can enjoy a suggestive view of Vesuvius and the “beaches” of Marina Grande.

Church and Cloister of San Francesco

The church of San Francesco, as well as the municipal villa of Sorrento, overlooks piazza Francesco Saverio Gargiulo, adjacent to piazza della Vittoria.

The church of San Francesco , whose origins are quite ancient, was built in the fourteenth century on the ashes of an oratory founded by Sant’Antonino and over the centuries it continued to expand and renew itself, also thanks to a concession from King Ferdinand I who granted the order Franciscan to use the royal water cisterns and who financed them with a monthly support of six ducats. Next to the church there was also the convent of the friars, and both were severely damaged by the earthquake of 1688, which led to the collapse of various parts of the structure. In the eighteenth century almost all the damaged parts were rebuilt and this gave rise to a set of different styles that coexist in the same church.

Entering its single nave you can in fact see some fourteenth-century Gothic decorations that blend, for example, with the marbles of the Baroque style.

After visiting the church of San Francesco, you can go out and enter the small next door that leads to the  fourteenth-century cloister of San Francesco , where a suggestive four-sided portico, with pointed arches supported by octagonal pillars, runs around an internal square enriched by some trees. and vase of flowers. Looking with a little attention at the columns that support the arches of the arcades, you will notice that these are all different from each other, both in terms of height and type of decoration. The reason is that these are recycled materials, taken from ancient pagan temples and reused here.
From inside the cloister of San Francesco di Sorrento, turning towards the church, we can see the profile of the bell tower that stands out towards the sky.

Park of the Villa Comunale

Immediately after the cloister of San Francesco is  the access to the park of the Villa Comunale, a small garden built in front of the building erected between 1877 and 1879. This garden is full of flowers and green areas and also houses an elevator through which goes down to Marina Piccola and the port of Sorrento. Alternatively, it is possible to take the road carved into the rock, overlooking the marina, and the bathing establishment.
In ancient times this space was used by the Franciscan friars who had created a large garden to help them in their livelihood. 

From the park of the Villa Comunale you can once again enjoy an excellent viewpoint over the Gulf of Naples and Mount Vesuvius . Here, next to the Tramontano hotel, there is also the old house where the poet Torquato Tasso was born.

Martial Palace

Also on Piazza Francesco Saverio Gargiulo is  the ancient Palazzo Marziale, a 15th century building  commissioned by Giovanni Marziale, whose family was part of the nobility that met in Sedil Dominova.
Giovanni Marziale himself held roles of great responsibility in the monarchy, from Councilor Secretary of King Ferdinand, to regent of the Supreme Council of the Collateral, appointed directly by the Emperor Charles V.

Today Palazzo Marziale has been transformed into a luxury hotel , but on its ground floor you can still enjoy the beautiful antiques that are expertly combined with pieces of contemporary design.

Basilica of Sant’Antonino

Among the things to see in one day in Sorrento you cannot miss  the Basilica of Sant’Antonino, whose strange shape can initially destabilize. 

The origins of the basilica of Sant’Antonino date back to the 11th century, when it was built on the remains of a 9th century oratory dedicated to the same saint, patron saint of the city of Sorrento. It was decided to build the new church here because they wanted to keep it in the place where the remains of Sant’Antonino rested, still kept inside today. Also in this case, for the construction of the building, marble from Roman villas and pagan temples were used, combined with the tuff stone that characterizes many city buildings.
When in 1608 the management of the church passed to the Theatine fathers, a profound restructuring was carried out giving the church an important Baroque imprint. Those, however, were not the last works that affected the church, but rather in the following centuries it was revised several times, including in 1980 following the damage caused by the Irpinia earthquake and other small restorations after 2010.

Externally, the basilica of Sant’Antonino has geometric shapes  that divide it into two parts horizontally and into three parts vertically with a large arch in the center which contains the entrance to the church and which recalls the large arch connected to the left of the church and which leads to a pedestrian street. Upstairs three large windows are used to give natural light to the church. Integrated into the left side of the facade is also the bell tower, which adds a level to the height of the basilica. Before arriving at the entrance, under the portico, there is an urn with the remains of the rector of the church and  the large bone of a whale which, according to legend, had swallowed a child who was later saved by the intervention of the Saint .

The interiors of the Basilica of Sant’Antonino are organized in a Latin cross and divided into three naves separated by six arches resting on granite columns. Most of the paintings and decorations in the church recall episodes from the life of Saint Anthony or his good deeds. The ceiling is decorated with gold rosettes on a blue background that frame three eighteenth-century canvases. On the side aisles there are two chapels on each side with marble altars. The apse that houses the main altar is surrounded by a wooden choir and seventeenth-century paintings hanging on the walls. Also here are two reliquaries with the remains of San Baccolo and San Placido.

Inside the basilica of Sant’Antonino there is also the silver statue of the saint, created by a Neapolitan goldsmith in 1564  and which replaced the previous statue of the late fifteenth century, cast to obtain weapons during the invasion of the Saracens. This statue is at the center of the legend, it is said that the Sorrentines wanted to create a new one but did not have enough funds, until the saint appeared directly to the goldsmith in charge of creating the statue and, in addition to bringing him the coins to finish the work, he let himself be looked at for a long time in order to create the statue as closely as possible to its forms. For this reason, a small bag with coins in the hands was added to the statue, to commemorate the miraculous event.

At the end of the two aisles there is a staircase that leads to the crypt of the Basilica of Sant’Antonino, where the remains of the saint are kept, amidst 17th and 18th century decorations. These are accompanied by a silver oil lamp perpetually lit and caressed by the faithful as a sign of devotion. This fact recalls an episode in the life of the saint who, after breaking his leg, dreamed of the Madonna suggesting that he take some oil from a lamp and spread it, and the next morning Antonino woke up healed.

Square Sant’Antonino

The basilica of Sant’Antonino overlooks a large square in Sorrento, open to traffic. It is precisely Square Sant’Antonino. In the center a large green space has been created with tall palm trees and exotic plants and the statue of Sant’Antonino Abbate in the center.

Opposite the church is  the long facade of the Conservatory of Santa Maria delle Grazie , which is housed in a historic building that hosts musicians and students every day. Along the remaining perimeter of Piazza Sant’Antonino there are bars and restaurants ready to welcome citizens and tourists, at the gates of the pedestrian areas of Sorrento.

Via San Cesareo and its shops – the Antico Decumano

To end the tour we walk along one of the streets parallel to Corso Italia, which starts right from Sedile Dominova: via San Cesareo . 

Via San Cesareo is mostly famous for the numerous shops and stalls selling typical Sorrentine products , for the most part made with lemon, the symbol of the city! So much space is given to lemon-based soaps, limoncello, limoncino, lemon candies, tea towels with lemons and much more. In addition to this, there are hand-painted statuettes of shepherds, clothing and leather goods, music boxes created with Sorrento inlay, scented candles and various other objects. Although the street is not very narrow, shopkeepers tend to display their goods in front of the windows, narrowing the passage and creating a real crowd of tourists looking for some souvenirs. 

Via San Cesareo was the ancient decumanus of the city and therefore represented the main street of Sorrento . In fact, on this road there were the palaces of the main city families and only in the nineteenth century via San Cesareo gave way to corso Italia, initially known as via nuova. Its historical importance still allows today, in a walk through this alley, to admire the splendid portals of the historic buildings that often hide suggestive courtyards behind them. 

The Agruminato of Sorrento

We left the historic center of the city, but among the things to see in Sorrento in one day we still lack a stop: the citrus fruit. This particular park can be reached in a few steps from Piazza Angelina Lauro.

The Sorrento citrus fruit, also known as the Giardini di Cataldo , is a city park that reflects the canons of the typical gardens of this peninsula, rich in citrus and fruit trees. In ancient times they were born as  Fondo Petrulo  and extended over an area of ​​sixty thousand square meters, then reduced to the current eleven thousand. Today the citrus fruit belongs to the municipality that opens and closes it like a normal public park, but entering it one cannot but be amazed: in front of us and all around there are infinite lemon trees that produce their fruits which, obviously, they cannot be freely collected. 

The municipality has given this citrus fruit to the farm i giardini di Cataldo , which picks  the fruits and processes them to produce thirst-quenching drinks and liqueurs that can be purchased in the small bar inside the gardens.

To signal the access to the citrus, possible due to a short staircase, there are two large paintings on majolica housed in large niches, which reproduce bucolic scenes typical of these lands, where inevitably we find lemon trees and Vesuvius on the background.

By organizing a trip out of town in the small town of Sorrento you will have the certainty of having gone to a place rich in history and culture, surrounded by nature and capable of giving a thousand positive emotions and sensations, thanks also to the locals who manage to make you feel home immediately. Even the food is something sublime that will make every palate fall in love, even those with the most difficult tastes. Even in the culinary field, in fact, it will be possible to experience the aromas and flavors of a port city rich in history and tradition.

All that remains is to wish you a wonderful walk in Sorrento.

Taken from and Wikipedia

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