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Tips: ESTA to travel to the United States

The United States is the dream of all travelers, but today I will dedicate myself to you, a boy or girl who lives in Italy and wants to visit North America. Entering the United States is not impossible but you have to use small precautions and follow simple rules to avoid running into boring unforeseen events that could ruin or even force you to postpone the trip.
In this article I will tell you about an essential authorization that cannot be missing from your suitcase upon departure. It’s called ESTA USA and in the next few lines I will explain what it is, why it is essential for Italian citizens, how long it lasts, how to get it and everything you need to know about it.

What is ESTA?

The ESTA which stands for “Electronic System for Travel Authorization” entered into force on 12 January 2009. This authorization must be submitted online and within the form, in addition to your personal and personal data, the reasons for your stay in the United States, if you go there for work or vacation, how long you intend to stop, the precise destination and when you intend to leave to return to Italy.
This authorization will allow Italian citizens to enter U.S. territory without having to apply for a visa and to stay there for a period that does not exceed ninety days.

ESTA for Italian citizens

ESTA is required from Italian citizens because Italy is part of the 38 countries that have been accepted into the Visa Waiver Program. This electronic system authorizing travel has been designed to allow passengers on flights to the United States and, consequently, the United States citizens themselves to be more secure and safe.
In practice, the ESTA USA authorization system consists of an analysis of the information of each traveler requesting it, thus determining its eligibility or denying its entry into the country.

The procedure for obtaining ESTA is very simple. before proceeding, however, make sure you have a valid passport and credit card and an active email address. Subsequently you will have to go to the official ESTA site or other sites and fill in the ESTA application form in every part, always via the site you can send the application. Obviously you must make sure that all the data entered are valid, those of the credit card and personal ones. Then you just have to wait for an email with the official document.
During the compilation you can take advantage of a chat made available to assist you during all phases of the request relating to ESTA. Those who provide assistance will be happy to help you in all your doubts.
As soon as your application is accepted by the system, the staff who will dedicate themselves to your practice will only take 72 hours to obtain the authorization.
During these 72 hours, a check will be made on the validity of the documents sent and the relative expiry dates, and any oversights of the applicants will also be corrected, such as typing errors.
If there were special cases for which you need to obtain ESTA in less time, just send an email explaining the reason and your application will be reviewed before the others with standard priorities.
Should problems arise during the analysis of your question, the employee will not hesitate to contact you to ask for clarification or to request any additional documentation. In addition, you can check the progress of your application in all its phases through the continuous notifications of the employees who will keep you updated on the steps taken and those still to be done.
In the event that your application is not accepted you can be reimbursed and of course you can request all the clarifications of the case, if those provided by the employee who took charge of your application were not enough.

Suitability for ESTA

In order for your application to be accepted, you must pay attention to small tricks. As I said a little above one of the basic requirements is to be a citizen of one of the 38 countries participating in the “Visa Waiver Program”, but not only. Within the application you will have to carefully enter the departure date but also the return one, just to show that yours wants to be a transit trip and you are not going to stop permanently on American soil, the Americans are a very warm people , but also particularly attentive to detail. Remember to choose a return date that does not exceed 90 days from the departure date.
You are entitled to ESTA if you want to go to the United States for business reasons, to take a vacation, to spend some time with relatives and to carry out cultural or sporting activities. Instead if you want to visit the United States because you are looking for a stable job, you want to study for a period in the United States or you want to move and look for a house then the ESTA authorization is not for you, but more detailed documents will be needed for your stay.
Whatever the reason for your temporary stay in the magnificent States, it is good to be properly prepared, starting from what it takes to access American soil, even before you need to enjoy your holiday. The rules of access and stay (even temporary) are rather restrictive, and this, once the initial obstacle has been overcome, can indeed be good for visitors, who can thus be sure of traveling within a magnificent state, full of opportunities and populated by wonderful and helpful people, but at the same time to do it safely.

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